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¿Qué es un Plan de Acción para la Primera Infancia?

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En 2018, el gobernador Roy Cooper y un equipo de partes interesadas comenzaron a crear el Plan de acción para la primera infancia de Carolina del Norte.  Este plan describe una visión cohesiva, establece puntos de referencia para el impacto para el año 2025 y establece responsabilidad para lograr metas estatales para niños pequeños. 


El plan se centra en tres temas: que los niños pequeños de Carolina del Norte sean saludables, crezcan seguros y nutridos, y estén bien apoyados para aprender y estar listos para tener éxito.

What's in the ECAP? 

The ECAP was created with input from over 450 Chatham County parents, caregivers, child care providers, and community leaders and over 30 community partners. 


The ECAP offers a range of strategies and recommendations to address the key critical needs identified in the Community Needs Assessment, with supporting quantiative and qualitatve data. 





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The Chatham Kids Matter Community Collaborative and ECAP Advisory Committee worked together to
recommend five action steps for initial implementation.


These five recommended action steps address
the four focus areas (Child Health, Safety & Wellbeing, Child Care Access, Child Care Infrastructure, and
High-Quality Learning), as well as the three types of recommendations and strategies (Collaborative,
Equity-Oriented, and Fiscal).

Meet Our Action Plan Facilitator

The Partnership for Children is excited to work with Hilary Pollan Facilitation on developing and implementing the Early Childhood Action Plan.


They are excited to be working with the Partnership for Children and with the partner organizations of the Community Collaborative to create an action plan that addresses the key findings and themes of the Community Needs Assessment and the Fiscal Analysis. 

¡Muchas gracias a nuestros socios comunitarios que han financiado la Evaluación de necesidades de la primera infancia y el Plan de acción de la primera infancia, y que continúan participando como líderes intelectuales y asesores durante todo el proceso!

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©2022 por Chatham County Partnership for Children

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